Global Warming in Australia the Essay

Total Length: 966 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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In clear connection with climate change, with the impossibility of plants to adapt, or their struggle to do so, is the economic effects global warming would have on the population and on Australia as a state entity. There are large parts of the continent that bases its subsistence on agricultural practices. It is by no means the sense of rural ancient agriculture; yet, despite the technologies at the disposal of the agricultural system, this may reduce its capability and productivity simply because the cropped plants cannot adapt to a different environment. In such a situation, the agricultural output is lowered and effects on the economy could become real in several decades. More precisely, "changes in precipitation and, subsequently water management, are particularly critical factors affecting the future productivity of the Australian landscape. The declines in precipitation projected over much of Australia will exacerbate existing challenges to water availability and quality for agriculture as well as for commercial and residential uses"(CSIRO 2006). Therefore, despite the fact that the immediate effects of global warming tend to follow the natural landscape, by the simple fact that human resources would have to be stretched to deal with issues that would otherwise be dealt with through natural means determines an increased pressure on the reserves of the human activity and financial means.
This in turn would develop a certain lack of balance in terms of financial allocations for agriculture, in particular watering.

Finally, among other effects of the global warming is that related to the human life in Australia. In recent years, due to the starting effects of temperature increase, more than 150 people died of wildfire. High temperatures, great wind speed and increased humidity largely cause this state of facts. Moreover, "a further 200 people died in a heatwave a week before the fires, that saw 4 days of temperatures at 110 degrees and higher as well as 100 mph winds." (Global Changes 2009)in general terms, high temperatures and winds are not uncommon for Australia that is well-known for its hot weather. At the same time however, should the heat wave become even more important, this would imply a risk for people and the population at large, the situation in which people would be dead by wild fire would only intensify.

Overall, it can be pointed out that there are numerous effects of the global warming process. It fails to have any discriminatory attitude, as it affects the wildlife, the flora and, most importantly, the human being......

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