Globalization: Daniel Yergin's "Giving Aid to World Term Paper

Total Length: 326 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

Globalization: Daniel Yergin's "Giving Aid to World Trade" and Helena Norberg-Hodge's "The March of the Monoculture"

In their respective articles about the effects of western influence on developing nations and areas of the world, Daniel Yergin, in "Giving Aid to World Trade" and Helena Norberg-Hodge, in "The March of the Monoculture," express very different viewpoints on the benefits (or lack thereof) of western foreign presence in these places. Yergin is more sanguine about such presence overall. Norberg-Hodge is less so. While Yergin writes from a purely economic perspective, Norberg-Hodge writes from a cultural one, which perhaps explains the differences in their viewpoints on this issue.

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As Yergin suggests in "Giving Aid to World Trade," for example, foreign aid may "improve health, education and national infrastructure . . . build legal and lending institutions . . . Such improvements can attract long-term foreign investment that creates jobs and encourages transfers of technologies to poorer nations." While this may be economically true, from….....

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"Globalization Daniel Yergin's Giving Aid To World", 29 May 2005, Accessed.1 June. 2024,