Gothic Light Saint Denis Saint Denis Was Essay

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Gothic Light

Saint Denis

Saint Denis was the first cathedral that was constructed in Gothic form and consequently became the prototype of Salish, Chartres and many other cathedrals. [footnoteRef:1] The cathedral is basically a huge medieval abbey church in the city of Saint Denis which is now a prominent suburb in Paris. In the early times, the church was merely a place of pilgrimage and a place where the French Kings would be buried. It was in the 12th century that Abbot Suger developed in further and made it resemble gothic art. Thus, it can be stated that the gothic touch to Saint Denis was added after the 12th century. It was after the 15th and 16th century that the status of the cathedral was returned to Gothic level.1 This piece of art was converted from a simple shrine to a much respected Cathedral Basilica of Saint Denis. Suger tried to maintain a powerful relationship between power and death; something he tried to do by amalgamating the gothic architecture into the cathedral. [1: Isabelle, Spaak, "The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Denis," / (accessed December 30, 2012)]

There is present a rosette windows and cross-ribbed arches that fill the entire building with light. 1 Thus it can be stated in Suger's perceptions that these alterations were made to connect the Sanyonisien cult and the monarchy. The arches gave the church a very wide and open aired feeling. It was the widening of the arches that allowed light to seep into a vaster array in the church. Later, there was addition of internal ornamentation and painted decoration. The surges of cold, gemstones and the stained glass windows in the church further enhanced its beauty. The later alterations also reflected the light and thus made light a prominent feature in the Basilica of St. Denis. 1

It has been stated that the alterations were made in the church on the biblical command 'let there be light' As mentioned earlier, the large and wide openings and the presence of more space spreads the lights more. It would be good to comment that the stationed glass windows are present in a pattern which further spread the light more and thus make it more prominent in the cathedral.

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The dark Romanesque nave, even though a thick wall still has small windows in it before it was destroyed in the Revolution. Regardless, the glazed triofirum of the cathedral is a feature that stands out as a hallmark of Resonant gothic. The flying buttresses and pillars and column give present in the church provide the indication of man going from earth to heaven. Abbot Suger wanted the choir to be reflected with light such that they give a bright and optimistic approach to people listening. To combat this, he made a lot of windows on the eastern end that let in a lot of light especially on the choir present there.

In conclusion, Abbot Suger wanted there to be a church in which people felt close to heaven and could envision heaven. [footnoteRef:2] They would feel close to heaven and thus could also go to become better people when they visited the church. This design is also seen by many as an effort to unite and integrate different opposing factions of France under one single roof. [footnoteRef:3] [2: Robert A Scott, The Gothic Enterprise: A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral, (CA: University of California Press, 2003) pg 86] [3: Robert A Scott, The Gothic Enterprise: A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral, (CA: University of California Press, 2003) pg 88]


The Cathedral of our Lady of Chartres is basically a Latin Rite Catholic cathedral located in Chartres. .The mix of sculptures and stained glass makes the cathedral stand out as….....

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