Government in Continuity Planning Research Paper

Total Length: 612 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Government in Continuity Planning

Since the 1950s, continuity planning has been a major part of U.S. government policy. This is because there were concerns that some kind of nuclear attack or natural disaster could have an adverse impact on entire regions of the country. When this happens the odds increase that there could be various forms of lawlessness in these areas. To mitigate these kinds of situations, continuity planning was created to ensure that vital resources and personnel are dispatched to these kinds of areas. (Daleo, 2009, pp. 919 -- 925) ("Continuity Guidance Circular," 2009)

After September 11th, is when these ideas were once again revisited. In this case, National Security Presidential Directive-51 (NSPD-51) and Homeland Security Presidential Directive-20 (HSPD-20) were enacted to provide a strategy for dealing with disasters. Taking the lead in this area is the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA). They have created the Continuity Guidance Circular.

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This is providing guidance to: states, tribal regions, private sector entities and local governments. The basic idea is to create working foundation that everyone can use for dealing with a host of challenges in the aftermath of a disaster. To fully understand how this is taking place requires looking at: two procedures and the impact that they will have on local businesses. Together, these elements will highlight how this is used as a blue print for improving coordination between different governmental and private organizations. (Daleo, 2009, pp. 919 -- 925) ("Continuity Guidance Circular," 2009)

Two Procedures from FEMA's Continuity Guidance Circular

Two procedures from FEMA's Continuity Guidance Circular include: leadership and communication. Leadership is when all organizations must have a plan in place that will take into account succession (in the aftermath of a disaster). This is because there is a possibility that the top leadership could be unable to.....

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