Graphic Design the Apple Online Store Is Essay

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Graphic Design

The Apple online store is located at ( Its target audience is broad, encompassing all consumers interested in buying a range of lifestyle hardware and software. The Website of the Apple store is consistent with Apple store presence in brick and mortar format, as white is the key color used for brand identity. In the case of the Apple Website, the background is pure white. The feature product today is the iPad Air, tagged as having "The Power of Lightness." The word "lightness" corresponds with the whiteness of the color scheme. Moreover, the color of the iPad Air in the display is white. Below the primary advertisement for the iPad Air in white, a series of four images links the visitor to other products sold on the Apple Web store. From the far left to the far right, Apple lists the iPad mini "Small Wonder," Life on iPad "Explore the Stories," iPhone 5s, and iPhone 5c "For the Colorful." It is this latter tagline, "for the colorful" that is eye-catching, given the whiteness of the background and the appeal to consumers who want to be more "colorful" than conformist. Visitors to the Apple Web store page are instantly engaged with the products, because of the simplicity of the layout and design.

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The white background minimizes clutter. The page does not offer the opportunity to scroll down and find many more links. The viewer is encouraged to enter the store by delving deeper into the Website, which is what Apple likely intends.

Pathos is the introduction of emotion to the Website. In the case of the online Apple store, pathos is implied through diction and imagery. The diction of the products themselves connotes freedom and "lightness," as with the "Air" line of iPads. Likewise, the iPad "Mini" is miniature, small, compact, and therefore suitable for "light" lifestyles. Emotionally, Apple is responding to a consumer in search of technological tools that make life easier, lighter, and more liberating. Lightness and buoyancy are conveyed through the only colors used on the front page: blue. Blue is the color of sky (as in Air) and also of water. Water is the imagery chosen for the second in the four sequences of advertisements on the front page. In this advertising block, "Life on an iPad," a SCUBA diver takes his or her iPad underwater to shoot pictures of a wreck. The image depicts….....

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