Grassroots Racing Annotated Bibliography Grassroots Term Paper

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Use of video technology allows the viewer to feel what it is like to experience this sensation, and also contains interesting anthropology of the culture of devotees, who are often societal outsiders, whose existences revolve around their cars and the high of living, often quite literally, at the edge.

Dolack, Christ. (2003). "Not just for kids: the stars of tomorrow karting program is looking to narrow the open-wheel racing divide between the U.S. And the rest of the world." Auto Racing Digest. October/November 2003. Retrived 5 Oct 2006 at

This article opens a discussion as to how to improve the standing of American motor car drivers. It analyzes how some of the best international racers today began driving karts as young as eleven or twelve in their races. This raises the question -- to be competitive in racing, might not the U.S. switch to such an emphasis in preparing its young drivers, much as it has Little League to prepare the baseball players of tomorrow and Pop Warner football? The international organization known as the 'Stars of Tomorrow Karting Series' has divisions for drivers as young as eight.

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The article provides an interesting international perspective on the development of professional drivers, and also makes a convincing case for its thesis, as it points out how the World Karting Association assisted drivers such as Ricky Rudd and Tony Stewart on the path to NASCAR. A good introduction to what 'karting' is, too, for an American enthusiast, who might underestimate the power of karts -- karts are not simply makeshift, as karts can go from 0 to 60 mph in 3.5 seconds and pull more than 2Gs of lateral.....

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