Group Agrees Over the Decision Term Paper

Total Length: 950 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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The ignorance which was nuisance has been removed. In a group where the people of equal status have gathered, have the sense and aptitude towards the relevant topic, the grouping of people with difference in status might not be productive, and the possibility of the singularity of idea, and acceptance on the basis of seniority are the elements of concern. The lower status member is less likely to oppose the debate and conduct of the group activities, which will develop groupthink. The lower status member is less likely to be among the dissenters because such act will offend the seniors, which will develop negative consequences over the performance and the professional association with the company and the high command.

Question No. 3

The occurrence of the groupthink can be avoided, provided that the leader of the group plays dominant, neutral and significant role in the proceedings of the group session. It is the responsibility of the group leader to assign the 'role of critical evaluator to each member', and shall avoid any preferential treatment towards specific member. The leader shall be careful, not to reveal the level of expectations he/she share from the specific member, and the encouraging and positive attitude shall be adopted towards every member. Such practices will eventually result in the active participation of the entire member, and different possible solutions will emerge as a result of these interactive approach.
The groupthink can be prevented if more than one expert shall be invited in the group debate, the responsibility of the expert shall be to assess the relevancy of the proposals by the group members. The experts shall further challenge the contributions of the participants, which will eventually result in the broadening of their perspective and opinions. The member of the group shall 'discuss the groups' deliberations with a trusted associate and report back to the group on the associate's reactions' on routine basis, which will help in the assessment of the contributions, and the relevance of the different proposals and options (Robert, 2006).

Question No. 4

The size and the cohesiveness of the group shall be controlled. The size of the group shall never be increased in order to receive better response or number of contributions, rather the quality of the members shall be assessed, and the number of participants for the group number shall be assessed on the basis of qualitative standards and experience. The cohesiveness shall be discouraged, and people with differences shall be the constituent of the group, this will encourage open, fair and transparent discussion between the group, and the impact of the groupthink shall be minimal......

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