Habits of Highly Effective People, Term Paper

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The news stories coming out of this effort read like a "who's who" of caring organizations. Headlines read: "Elementary School raises money for Katrina," "Church holds fundraiser for survivors," "Sports team aids victims," "Fortune 500 lends aide to cause," "local residents help Katrina victims."

Of course, in any situation such as this, nothing is truly black and white. There are many groups that are helping out not only due to their concern for the storm victims, but their own interests as well. The media, such as programs like "Good Morning America," that have offered a great deal of help also love the PR. Also, there are many places where the needy in their own communities are now being overlooked or playing second fiddle to Katrina. Unfortunately, there are only so many resources to go around and allocation is not always perfect.

September 11 stirred up a lot of initial care that did not last relatively long, as horrible a tragedy as it was. Similarly, the War in Iraq is now actually beginning to cause more anger than support. This is another undeserved strike against the soldiers who are continuing to be psychologically and physically injured and killed in large numbers. Americans are quick to heat up and just as quick to cool down on their interests.

Then how long will the concern for Katrina last? Some say that this may be a different story and instead result in long-term involvement by the American people. Guilt is part of the reason. People question how such a rich, powerful and supposedly democratic country could have acted so poorly against the poor. Everyone agrees that the government bungled.

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Also, there is truly a feeling of "There but for the grace of God..." Further, how can the devastation of Katrina be forgotten when numerous homeless and jobless will be added to the ranks of other states for a very long time to come?

Others say that these memories, too, shall quickly pass. Rather than proactive, Americans are normally reactive with short attention spans. Their Katrina concerns, therefore, will rapidly move on to other personal issues such as high heating bills. There is so much of the negative and horror in the world that no one can dwell on it for too long of a time without putting walls up or becoming ill. Already, Katrina is no longer on page one of newspapers.

Returning back to Stephen Covey and the need to be empathetic, it is important to note that he does not promote that people should be able to turn their caring on and off like a light switch. If someone is empathic, he/she listens and cares to the needs of others continually -- not only when there is a certain level of adversity, or it is the "in" thing to do, or because something has impacted someone personally. Rather, for the future of humankind, it is necessary to learn how to always strive to be empathic in all of one's actions regardless of the event, the people involved or….....

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