Hairstyle in Less Than 10 Minutes Females Essay

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Hairstyle in Less than 10 Minutes

Females with long hair often have to engage in intensive maintenance, time and effort needed in order to successfully create a fetching hairstyle. This is definitely one of the challenges inherent in being a woman. In that sense, if one has a sudden party or event to go to, it can be challenging to execute an aesthetically pleasing hairstyle in just a few minutes. If the event is a sudden obligation, there isn't often time to wash, dry and style the hair. Thus, the ability to create a quick and elegant updo using just a few steps is definitely something which is an absolute must for all involved. In this case, the bouffant is an ideal hairstyle to know how to do: the bouffant boasts several steps which are not too simple and yet not too complex: furthermore, in an ideal fashion, there are several different styles of bouffants that are evocative of one another. This means that knowing how to execute one particular style of bouffant, it is simple to execute multiple styles of bouffants.

Bouffant Back Bun

This particular bouffant is very simple to execute and doesn't take a great deal of skill or patience to master, nor does one need a great deal of tools or equipment in order to do it. It's also an ideal hairstyle to wear for weddings, formal events and can go well with a professional tailored suit. The overall rounded shape of this bouffant is elegant yet a little vintage, creating a truly fabulous silhouette. For this style, use a brush, a hair elastic, hair pins and hairspray. One thing that this hairstyle does absolutely require is long hair and/or hair extensions, so extensions need to be fitted before proceeding and making sure the hair extensions are in the right place.

Main Steps

Once all extensions are fitted, brush hair back into a smooth ponytail at the mid-point of the back of the head. Secure hair with an elastic. Add some hairspray to the hair to combat flyaways. Smooth the ponytail and secure the ends of it with a smaller elastic, approximately 1.5 inches up from the very end of the pony's tail. Holding the ponytail by the end, lift it up and over one's head, securing it down against the head, and tucking the end of the ponytail inwards.

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Back comb the ponytail to help bulk it up, while holding the small elastic in place, and folding it over the area just pinned down. Tuck in the ends of the hair along with the elastic, pinning them in place, and checking that the back-combing has indeed developed the necessarily rounded shape to the hair and that the ends of the hair are not poking through. Spray once more to hold all elements in place.

This style can be made further elaborate and fetching by adding a few miniature braids in the ponytail before securing the smaller elastic at the ends of one's hair. Grab three different small sections of hair approximately a quarter of an inch thick. Pin two off to the side for later usage. Take the first section of hair and braid it into a tiny tight braid and securing the end with a small elastic. Unpin one small section of hair that was pinned in an earlier step and a make a tight miniature braid out of that section of hair. Repeat with the final small section of hair so that there are three miniature braids resting at the top of the ponytail. Back comb the hair vigorsouly, making sure to not entable or snarl any of the tiny braids just created. The back-coming will help give the bouffant a greater sense of body and volume.

Smooth the ponytail down ever so slightly, eliminating all flyaways and arrange the three braids so that they are featured prominently at the top. Secure the end of the ponytail with a small elastic. Position the ends of the hair along with the elastic, securing them in place and assessing that the back-combing has indeed created a necessarily rounded shape. Tuck in any stray hairs that are poking through. Give the hair a final spray so that all the elements are properly held down. In this case, a hair spray or gel spray would be ideal.

Likewise, instead of using miniature braids, this hairstyle can be repeated with one large braid figuring prominently in the center of the bouffant. After the hair has been positioned in a ponytail at the midpoint of the head, gather a one to two-inch….....

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