Health Care Industry Consists of Essay

Total Length: 594 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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UHS, Inc. Financial Analysis overview:

According to the analysts' report, the average net income for the previous five years for UHS, Inc. shows a 20.1% growth rate; this is higher than the industry average of 10.6% and sales of 12.7% which also higher than industry average of 8.67%. UHS, Inc. has dividends that average 4.64% of earnings while the average of Healthcare industry is only 0.64%. The price per share is $58.11 and earnings per share is 4.08%,. UHS, Inc. is expected to grow only 10.40% in the present projection, which is behind the industry standard that is set at about 13.50%. Despite the current economic challenges, UHS, Inc. is expected to outperform the market within the next six-month with less risk than average.

LifePoint Hospitals, Inc. Financial Analysis overview:

The analysts' report revealed that, the average net income growth for the previous five years for LifePoint Hospitals, Inc. was only 2.44%, which is behind the industry average of 10.
6%. Sales are 5.31% which is also behind the industry average of 8.67% and there is no available data to compare current dividends. The price for the share is $44.16, and earning per share is $3.03. LifePoint Hospitals, Inc. is expected to grow 9%, while the expected growth average for healthcare companies is about 13.50%. In spite of the current economic challenges, analysts expect that LifePoint Hospitals, Inc. will outperform the market in the next six months with less risk than average.

I will invest in UHS, Inc. For the following reasons: the share price is high, however the earning per share is higher than average and this should compensate the high price for the share. The dividends distribution is also….....

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