Health Culture Creating Strong Corporate Culture in Term Paper

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Health Culture

Creating Strong Corporate Culture in Health IT

The tasks and activities that workers, managers, and executives in the health IT sector must contend with are unique to their own business area, however the large-scale needs of an organization operating in this sector are largely the same as the needs of any organization with a similar corporate structure. Communication within and between all levels of the organization is key to efficient functioning, clear systems of expectations, corrections, and rewards should be in place to motivate action towards organizational goals, and so on. What most of these general constraints come down to is corporate culture; through the establishment of a strong and positive corporate culture, all members of the corporation should not be simply constrained to acting in the organization's best interests but will truly be motivated to adopt the values and objectives of the organization as their own.

John D. Halamka, the Chief Information Officer at two major healthcare facilities as well as a practicing ER doctor and full professor at Harvard, wrote a recent article concerning corporate culture and the means by which it can be established (and how it is manifested in the organization, as well).

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Some of the necessary actions can be stated quite simply, though they might be far more difficult and complex to actually carry out: ensure that communication lines are open and transparent so that no one feels that an observed problem will reflect negatively on them personally, ensure….....

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