Henry M. Morris' Book Scientific Term Paper

Total Length: 1528 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Morris seemed to not mind the fact that science would disprove (or at least seem to disprove) much of what he had written. Readers of the book would probably feel that though the statements were very controversial the evidence was incontrovertible on both sides. Many of Morris' statements could be argued from both the scientific viewpoint and the creationist's viewpoint equally well. That did not seem to stop Morris, and well it should not. The book was his attempt at saying both worlds could be right, and in fact, both worlds were right, and the information contained therein should be studied and discussed in an open an amicable way. If that was indeed the goal of Morris' work, then he accomplished it in fine manner.
For those who believe that science as the only truth possible, as well as those who are adamant creationists, this book offers enough evidence for both sides.

Scientific Creationism then cannot be perceived as assisting those readers in search of true and verifiable answers, but rather it states in broad terms the ways and methodologies in which scientists and creationists see the exact same things in different ways, and how those different ways are really more compatible….....

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