High School Test Preparation Outcomes Research Proposal

Total Length: 634 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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In this case the educational institutions will need to provide access to student records to evaluate how well students performed when they attended test preparation vs. when they did not attend test preparation classes.

Much as the researcher proposes, Henze & Lucas (1993) predict it is possible to "shape" classroom instruction and test preparation courses to promote greater success and mastery of language among high school students (p. 54). The researchers note obstacles to student achievement on standardized tests include poor language or reading skills (Henze & Lucas, 1993) suggest test preparation courses should consider whether the student's primary language is English. If it is not, there is reason to believe test preparation courses that include instruction of the English language may automatically increase standardized test scores, especially among minority students.

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There are many tools educational facilities can use to improve a student's success and ability to achieve positive outcomes on standardized testing. The results of the literature suggest more emphasis on a student's individual needs (Henze & Lucas, 1993; Banks, 2005; Kenny & Faunce, 2004) will ultimately promote better achievement on standardized tests and within the classroom. Additional research is needed to assess whether individualizing test preparation courses to students will result in the best possible outcome for students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or socio-economic status......

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"High School Test Preparation Outcomes", 25 October 2007, Accessed.17 June. 2024,