High Speed Rail Arguments in Essay

Total Length: 1060 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 7

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In HS2: Valuing the benefits of HS2 (London-West Midlands), the authors consider the direct benefits and disbenefits to users, the wider economic impact, and other economic and social impacts arising from land use changes. The major benefits for users are journey time savings, reduced crowding, and improved reliability. Though HS2 would generate profits, it would cost the government money to implement it. Finally, Dr. J Savin conducted a financial analysis that does not support the HS2. He believes that the numbers supporting HS2 may claim 90% more traffic than is realistically possible. He also believes that the real costs of construction are hidden because of the government's accounting methods, so that it will actually cost more than its publicized amount.

Chapter 4: Arguments in Favour of the New Line

The primary argument in favor of the new line is that it will provide high speed rail service to an area that is projected to have demand for rail service exceed capacity within a very short time. There is also the argument that increased traffic congestion will make car travel a less viable option, making rail even more necessary. The HS2 project would also allow for the repurposing of the existing lines. Finally, the major benefits for users would be journey time savings, reduced crowding, and improved reliability.

Chapter 5: Arguments Opposed to the New Line

The opposition to the new line does not believe that the projected numbers are realistic, think that the project is too expensive, and believes that other programs can offer similar transportation benefits at greatly reduced costs. They simply do not think that the realistic benefits of the project justify the expense of the project.

Chapter 6: Summary

Opponents and proponents of the project strongly disagree about the future of rail travel. Proponents are projecting an increase in rail travel that the opponents simply do not believe will materialize in the near future. However, the rail project should have significant long-term benefits. Moreover, some of the London to West Midlands travel is already significantly congested, and the line has tremendous freight traffic as well.

Chapter 7: Conclusion

The hypothesis that the new HS2 can decrease current overcrowdings on existed lines which connected London to west midlands and also it would decrease corresponding road and air traffic as well is supported by proponents and opponents of the project. However, there is tremendous disagreement about whether the cost of the project is justified by the realistic benefits that the project could bring to travelers in the area......

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