Hindus and Buddhists Call It Karma, the Term Paper

Total Length: 409 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Hindus and Buddhists call it karma, the immutable law of cause and effect. One thing leads to another in often predictable, but sometimes indirect ways. For example, I know that if I place my hand in a flame, my skin will burn. However, eating a plate of tainted food might not affect my belly until hours, even days later. Therefore, causality is not always instantaneous. In fact, the concept of karma even entails causality being carried across lifetimes. Causality is least predictable when the human factor is involved. For example, if I kick someone, it will probably cause him or her to react in some fashion.

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However, the exact effect of the act will vary from person to person.

In its most simple sense, causality is apparent in our immediate physical realities, as with the example of the hand in the flame. Dropping an object will cause it to fall; kicking a person will cause him or her to bruise; spilling a glass of water will leave a puddle. Causality can be explained by science using laws of physics or biology; however, many effects stem from unknown causes and many causes beget as yet unknown effects.

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