Hispanic Society and Religion Various Term Paper

Total Length: 1033 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Thus, for many people in Hispanic society, especially women, playing a role in the Church gives their life additional meaning and purpose, and it only increases their faith and belief in the Church and its doctrines. Increasingly, the Church is relying on laypeople, representative of their respective communities and parishes, to help spread and maintain the message and support of the Church. Many of these laypeople are women, and it offers additional meaning and purpose to their lives - spiritually and personally.

Besides being actively involved in the Church, it is often the women of a family that establish and maintain the traditions, and pass on the beliefs and traditions associated with religion. These authors continue, "My grandmother and the women of her generation exercised their religious leadership in the Hispanic community as healers, prayer leaders, and dispensers of blessings. They were also the main persons responsible for passing on the traditions" (Deck, Tarango, and Matovina 41). Thus, the women are the part of the Hispanic community that make sure the traditions are kept, from holy days to religious celebrations, and pass those traditions on to the other members of their family. Without the women, the Church might not have survived as long as it has in Hispanic culture. They have embraced it and ensured by their participation and support that the Church and its traditions have only become stronger with each passing generation, for the most part. Some modern women question their real role in the Church, and the lack of women in Church administration, and some are turning to other religions as a result of their questions.

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However, the Roman Catholic Church is still the most popular and influential Church in Hispanic culture in Puerto Rico, Mexico, and the United States.

In conclusion, the Catholic Church is still a vital part of Hispanic lives, wherever they live or come from, and it is especially important for women in the Church. As laypeople, they are able to play a more important role in the Church, and help give guidance and support to other members of their community. In Mexico and Puerto Rico, a Catholic Church is literally the cornerstone of the town square present in just about any community. It is the gathering place, the place of worship, and the place for celebrations and tragedies. The Church plays a significant role in the fabric of Hispanic life, and without it, Hispanic society would crumble - they rely too much on the spiritual authority and guidance of the Church to help them through their daily lives. They might take on another religion, but in their souls, most Hispanics will always hold the Catholic philosophy as their own to guide their way of life and their faith......

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