Hispanic Voters in 2008 President Essay

Total Length: 615 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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There were other factors that led specifically and directly to a loss of Hispanic voters for the Republican Party, though.

Immigration reform became a big deal during Bush's second term, and the comments and proposals made by many Republicans regarding this issue, especially as it pertained to the United States' border with Mexico, offended many Hispanic voters in the country (Page, 2007). Though President Bush introduced legislation that would have allowed illegal immigrants to obtain legal status in some situations, the bulk of the Republican Party was still taking a hard line on immigration, with the exception of Senator John McCain, who early in his bid for the Presidency was careful not to take to strong a position, and who took the time to praise the bravery of Hispanic soldiers in the Vietnam and Iraq wars (Page, 2007). Most other members of the Republican Party, however, remained firmly against relaxing immigration laws.

In addition to the Republican Party and its members taking actions that reduced Hispanic interest in and trust of the party, the Democratic Party made several moves that helped attract voters in the 2008 elections.
The economic crisis was not specifically Hispanic-oriented, but like the Iraq War its affects were felt and considered in every segment of the United States' population, and Hispanic voters were likely persuaded that Obama was more quipped to handle this situation than McCain, just as polls show much of the rest of the population felt. At the same time, the Democratic Party's line on immigration has always been more lenient than the Republican Party's, and these differences were sharply contrasted in the last election cycle. As of 2007, only 11% of Hispanic voters said they still identified with the Republican Party, more than eliminating the gains that Bush made. These numbers also indicate the growing importance of the Hispanic….....

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