History of Warfare, Armies Will Book Report

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At which point, communication would advance dramatically, with the use of various systems that could incorporate numerous solutions into one standardized protocol such as: MSE. This is the equivalent of a modern day cell phone that unit commanders carry with them on the battlefield. If they need to communicate with headquarters, they can be contacted through an individual telephone number or make a direct call. The use of this new technology would improve the ability of combat brigades, to be able to coordinate a host of different operations on the battlefield. At the same time, there would be an emphasis on recruiting officers who have technology-based backgrounds. The idea was to create communications units that could work alongside other soldiers (during the middle of an operation). As a result, this would become a vital part of the all military strategy moving forward, with independent communications teams landing in combat zones at the same time as regular units. This is significant, because the use of this overall doctrine would become a part of all battlefield strategies moving forward.
Where, the Army would increasingly coordinate all communication, to improve battle readiness and allow soldiers to correspond with friends / family on deployments. This had an impact upon the way all future wars would be fought, by underscoring how effective communication must be incorporated with the latest technology.

When you analyze these ideas, it is clear that in chapter XI, the author is highlighting the changing role of communications technology in warfare. As this is helping, the Army to remain ready for the future challenges they will face, by ensuring that they are improving communication as much as possible. When you put these different elements together, one could argue that this is what has given the U.S. such a tremendous advantage over other countries. As a result, the changes that were implemented after Vietnam had a dramatic impact, upon how quickly soldiers were able to adapt to evolving….....

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