Homeostasis and Motivation Homeostasis Evolutionary Term Paper

Total Length: 2134 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Homeostasis can be maintained as long as there are no long-term changes in the physiological factors that directly influence it. A settling point is established when there is a balance between opposing forces. These points are capable of change and are likely to do so when the opposing forces alter their balance (Berridge, 2004).

The drive reduction theory also addresses the motivational drives to maintain homeostatic regulation. In this theory, a stressor that takes the form of a homeostatic emotion disrupts the internal balance and provokes a drive state in which a motivational drive to restore balance becomes priority (LaGraize et al., 2004). The drive is the internal tension that develops that motivates the organism to act in order to reduce the state of tension. In the case of hunger, hunger induces the motivational drive to locate and consume food in order to stop the feelings of hunger, replenish nutrients needed for energy and achieve satiation (LaGraize et al., 2004). Once the motivational drive results in eating, the internal balance is restored. Another example is that of temperature regulation in the body. The human body has an intrinsic homeostatic temperature of 98.6 degrees. Once the individual's body temperature begins to change in a substantial way the body will automatically react to restore balance. In situations where body temperature increases an individual will begin to perspire to cool the body. The opposite is true to decreases in body temperature where the body begins to shiver to produce heat. In drive reduction theory, the organism is motivated to reduce internal tensions and to engage in activities that will lead to drive reduction and restoration of equilibrium (Tsitolovsky, 2005).

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One is cautioned to recognize that motivation does not always occur in response to homeostatic imbalance and can occur independently of these internal needs (Pinel & Assanand, 2000). This is evidenced by an organism's, particularly humans, tendency to continue a behavior for the reward even if the action is not necessary in order to restore optimal functioning (Pinel & Assanand, 2000). This is particularly true when one looks at eating behaviors. Humans will often eat past the point that is sufficient to restore energy to the body and will also engage in eating when the body does not require the food in order to function.

Yet there are also other factors that affect motivation such as hormones and psychosocial stressors (Nutter & Nestler, 2009). Therefore homeostasis can best be defined as the propensity of the body to maintain stable internal states at adaptive levels that respond to negative feedback physiological and behavioral mechanisms that react to current needs while anticipating the future needs of the organism (Pinel & Assanand, 2000). The individual is motivated by internal stimuli to respond in such a manner that ensures that any deviations from this internal balance are restored quickly and efficiently. In some cases the body can respond by modifying internal states and in other cases it must interact with the external environment to achieve this goal. In the case of temperature the body can react internal to assist in this regulation process, however, when exploring the issue of hunger, the individual must seek fuel that is outside of the body in order to maintain appropriate levels of energy......

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