Hong Kong to China: Supported by Its Case Study

Total Length: 581 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Hong Kong to China: Supported by Its Residents, focuses on the territory of Hong Kong. It discusses how in July of 1997 Hong Kong returned to administration under China, though it retains its own political, economic and judicial systems. The primary focus of the article is discussing the attitudes and impacts this move has on the people living in Hong Kong. The results suggested that a majority of people living in Hong Kong would have supported other options including becoming an independent nation if they had been given a chance.

Was the research firm's questionnaire adequate to address the issue? Why or Why not?

The questionnaire does not fully address the issue it intends to address. The purpose of the questionnaire was to determine how the people of Hong Kong felt about the shift in power. The questionnaire does supply an adequate number of questions to assess whether or not people might consider some options other than becoming a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

Stuck Writing Your "Hong Kong to China: Supported by Its" Case Study?

It does not however, allow respondents to answer more open ended questions. Instead the questions are very directed, devised by the researchers. Thus the respondents are somewhat limited in their approach. There is no evidence to suggest that the questions were developed based on any scientific principle or solid research statistics. The questionnaire would have been of more use if respondents were given more options. It would also have benefited from an approach that allowed free response answers.

What changes, if any, would you have made to obtain the information?

If I had developed the questionnaire, I would have offered respondents more open ended questions, so that they might offer ideas about how they would like to see their countries….....

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