Honorable Diane Feinstein United States Thesis

Total Length: 560 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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If the construction and building industries are encouraged to develop, manufacture, and use cutting-edge next generation materials for all new developments, our country will fast become one of the most progressive in the world.

For now, though, the United States is sorely lagging behind countries in Europe and also Japan in stimulating growth in the green building sector. I appreciate your efforts in offering extended tax credits for green homes and also for protecting the tax credits offered in the previous version of the Snowe-Feinstein Extend Act. Encouraging research and development of renewable energy resources is one of the most important things Americans can invest in.

I have personally seen how stimulating green energy via the marketplace is the best means to curb the climate crisis. Several family members and friends of the family have invested in green homes and green building industries.

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Their investments have since paid off and continue to thrive even during the current financial crisis. Moreover, the green building industry has blossomed lately. The booming green energy and green building industry depends on your further support. I sincerely hope that the next version of the Snowe-Feinstein Extend Act includes more direct incentives to make as many new construction projects as possible based on green technology. New schools and new real estate development projects could be mandated to be build along green principles. Understanding the perils of over-regulating the construction industry, I also understand that American real estate development cannot yet consist of 100% green building materials. Therefore, I appreciate what you have done so far to balance business sense with concern for the environment while urging you to become even more aggressive on this issue….....

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