Hospital for Special Surgery: Continuing Challenges of Essay

Total Length: 541 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Hospital for Special Surgery: Continuing Challenges of Growth

Any successful organization must meet the challenges of growing, that is, if it is to continue to be successful. This is true for the organization that we are focusing on for this exercise, the Hospital for Special Surgery. One of the greatest challenges in terms of both expansion and continuation of success is how to balance healthy, well-thought-out expansion against becoming over extending.

The Hospital for Special Surgery, again like other organizations, is subject to both internal and external influences and forces that can either support or disrupt the best-laid plans of managers. Good leaders of an organization try to foresee what forces may be harmful to the organization in the future and put into place defenses against them.

So what are likely to be the most important and potentially damaging forces that the hospital will face in the future.

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Bearing in mind that only hindsight is perfect, we can nonetheless make reasonable predictions. One of most likely external forces that will affect the hospital is the shortage of nurses that is affecting medical institutions across the country. Why there should be such a shortage -- one that is only growing worse -- has complex roots.

One of these is that there is a shortage of nursing programs. Nursing is (of course) a skilled profession, as is teaching. The skills required in nursing, however, are different from those required of a teacher, and until a large number of nurses are trained as teachers as well, there will continue to be a shortage of nursing programs. The other major reason for a nursing….....

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