Hospitality and Service Industry Essay

Total Length: 660 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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In general, The Ritz-Carleton compares very favorably to other competitive hotels. The key differences are mostly that this particular hotel is willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to satisfy its customers and provide a memorable hotel/resort experience. These differences are demonstrated in a number of palpable ways which are largely anomalies within the hotel and travel industry. The sort of "service innovation" (Enz et al., 2010, p. 6) this chain propagates is noteworthy. A perfect example of this fact is The Ritz-Carlton's policy about employee expenditures in the line of duty. The hotel enables employees to spend as much as $2,000 on guest. Such a policy is largely unheard of in this industry, and is a valued exception for those guests that are able to enjoy its benefits. Additionally, most other comparable hotels expect their employees to tend to the needs of their customers. The Ritz-Carlton, however, exceeds those expectations by requiring employees to not just cater to their customer's needs, but to actually anticipate them as well. This example is indicative of the way in which this organization favorably compares to other organizations within this particular industry.

Additionally, the emotional appeal of The Ritz-Carlton that plays a significant role in how the company operates is rare in this industry, and is not typically met by other competing hotels.
The Ritz-Carlton is attempting to ensure that its personnel resources are used to ensure customer service. The crux of this approach is based on emotional appeals which, when done correctly, can help customers to relate to both the individual employee that is helping them and to the organization as a whole. Other hotels have not concentrated their efforts in evoking emotional responses from their customers. The Ritz-Carlton, however, most certainly has. As such, this is another valuable difference between the Ritz and other organizations that demonstrates how it is superior to its competitors.

There is an immense importance ascribed to the wow stories for the implementation of customer service in a luxury hotel such as The Ritz-Carlton. These stories help to serve as case studies. Therefore, there is a tremendous amount of significance associated with them, at both the organizational and individual employee levels. From an organizational perspective, these stories serve to illustrate the sort of standards that this hotel has set for itself, and which has enabled it to earn the first AAA….....

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