Housing the Defined Market Is the New Research Paper

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The defined market is the new housing market; initially in the United States, then slowly expanding into Canada, Mexico and from there into the international markets around the world. Wherever new houses are being built, a prospective market will exist. The initial market will concentrate on residential housing only, but within the first five years, the market will be expanded to include the commercial real estate new building market as well. The first markets to be penetrated will include flood prone areas only. The flood prone areas are areas around lakes, waterways, rivers and oceans. These areas comprise approximately 25% of the overall new housing market(s), therefore; research will be based on the overall new housing market in the United States at a 25% ratio, and then expand to include other countries who may or may not be calculated at the same percentage depending on flood areas for those countries and regions.

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The new housing construction market has been especially hard hit during the recent recession and still continues to lag behind other recoveries with approximately 550 -- 650,000 new housing starts per year.

Basing the estimated market size in dollars and units is based on selling one unit to each new house constructed the base number at the lower end of the housing start totals (550,000). It is estimated that 25% of those new housing starts in flood prone areas which would provide a total of 137,500 residences. Estimating that a relatively small percentage (10%) of the new housing market will initially purchase the product provides unit sales of between 13,700 units. Projecting an average price of $5,000.00 per installation will generate income of approximately $68.5 million.

The key assumptions to these projections are that new housing starts stay at historically low levels (if not, the.....

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