HR Can Affect Organizational Culture Essay

Total Length: 874 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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Saleem, Z. (2009, Jan 5). Organizing Work and Managing Human Resources. Retrieved from:

Ulrich, D. And Brockbank, W. (2005, Jun 20). HR's New Mandate: Be a Strategic Player. Working Knowledge Business Leaders. Retrieved from:

Chapter 2: 1.) What steps can HR professionals take to ensure that mergers and acquisitions are successful? How can HR help during the integration process?

HR's function in making mergers and acquisitions successful should focus on helping all personnel involved to work through the stress and adjust to the changes that these processes inevitably create. At the heart of this is communication (Gupta, 2010). HR should ensure an open communication process between leaders and employees, as well as among employees from the different companies.

This is particularly important in the light of the fact that a merger means the conglomeration of two different sets of employees and essentially two different corporate cultures. HR can play a very significant role in mitigating any conflicts that might arise as a result.


Gupta, R. (2010). Role of HR in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&a) -- emerging HR Trends. HR Success Mantra. Retrieved from: http://www.

Winning, E.A. (2005). HR's Role in Mergers and Acquisitions. Retrieved from:

2.) How can an organization maintain its image while dealing with a talent surplus? If layoffs are necessary, what would you recommend manager do to ensure that survivors remain committed and productive?

The best way to maintain a company's image in the face of talent surplus is by means of complete, open honesty (Klein, 2009). Any communication that might considered vague or elusive will be construed as a company's attempt to be fundamentally dishonest. Hence, in all its communications, both with employees and the public, honesty, in this case, is the best policy.

Layoffs after the fact is also a crucial concern with maintaining company morale (Thomas, 2011). Managers can use the HR department in assisting the post-layoff communication process with survivors. Survivors will need space to communicate honestly regarding their reaction to the cut-backs, as well as reassurance that the company is ready to move forward. It is therefore vital to maintain not only honesty, but also a continuing willingness to communicate......

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