HRM Outsourcing Term Paper

Total Length: 1518 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Human Resources

HRM Outsourcing

Outsourcing basic human resource services can be the key to achieving a more powerful and strategic role for the HR function. Advantages of outsourcing include:

Decreasing costs - key determinate in a lot of outsourcing decisions, but should not to be measured in isolation from other costs and benefits

Mounting effectiveness of HR delivery - experienced outsourcing providers can frequently deal with HR processes more efficiently. For instance, recruitment may be taken on more rapidly, decreasing employee turnover expenses and speeding up the speed of growth

Providing greater knowledge - external providers may offer greater levels of specialist knowledge or experience than affordably accessible internally

Moving HR up the value chain - outsourcing human resource administration can lead to a shift in HR focus towards policy and decision making

Helping organizational growth - fast-growing companies can lack the HR capacity to deliver business objectives, making HR outsourcing a nice-looking solution (The next generation - How to transform your HR Services team into a strategic force, 2011).

Fundamentally, HR outsourcing involves contracting all HR-related job duties out to a company that specializes in providing HR support to other businesses. Like any sort of outsourcing, it has its ups and downs, but there is a quantity of benefits that outsourcing your human resources tasks brings. The first, obviously, is that one no longer has to do the paperwork, nor do they need to hire HR personnel. This saves one a lot of time and money.

There are a lot of different choices when it comes to human resource outsourcing. Some HR outsourcing has been going on for a lot of years. The most widespread tasks that company's outsource including things like payroll processing, attendance and time record keeping, and the filing of and paying of business taxes. However, while these duties used to include the majority of the tasks of an HR department, this is no longer true. Today, HR departments have many more duties they must take care of, and as these duties grew, so to have the size of the typical HR department. This means, of course, that the cost of human resources has grown over the years as the departments have been given more and more things to do (The next generation - How to transform your HR Services team into a strategic force, 2011).

Today's HR outsourcing companies are ready to deal with all of these tasks, so businesses are actually capable of outsourcing their entire HR department. This allows the business to focus on other issues, including working on growing the business. It also means they no longer have to deal with any of the time-consuming paperwork or tasks that HR departments must deal with, including various compliance issues. Outsourcing human resources department can also help employees. Because they specialize in human resources, these outsourcing companies often know how to get employees the best HR services around, including health benefits and great retirement plans. They may also be able to provide rewards programs to your company for much less than you might otherwise pay. Also, if you or your employees have need of any kind of HR support in issues like worker's compensation, these companies have years of expertise that is available to you. One of the nice benefits about human resource outsourcing is that it is not an all or nothing situation. You can easily outsource only your payroll and attendance, for example, while dealing with compliance and taxing yourself. You can also outsource different HR tasks to different companies if you desire. It all depends on what your business needs (The next generation - How to transform your HR Services team into a strategic force, 2011).

Strategic Focus

Outsourcing people strategies can help a company increase a competitive advantage, but professionals who can cut through the clutter of HR practices to learn which have the most affirmative impact on a business are necessary.
Outsourcing human resources is not a new idea as there are a lot of successful businesses doing just that. The fact is that thousands of small to medium-size companies all through the United States are taking pleasure in the benefits, both financial and administrative, that come from outsourcing their HR functions (How outsourcing & shared services can help you now, 2007).

Cost Savings

Labor cost unpredictability can be a business owner's biggest and most obstinate challenge. With a few exceptions, most of the elements of a company's labor expenses, benefits, workers' compensation, compliance costs, liability exposure and the rest, are highly volatile and can adversely affect a company's profit margins and its ability to conduct accurate financial forecasting. Outsourcing HR practices can help a company to stabilize their labor costs, which in turn tames downstream cost instability. The consequences are better margins and financial forecasts that are more precise. The keys are shared liability, practical risk management and expert regulatory compliance (Outsourcing and shared services star in cost savings, expertise, and more time for strategic HR, 2007).

Potential Areas for Outsourcing

Compensation Management

With compensation and benefits becoming a top priority among the professionals of today, creating schemes to satisfy their varying needs is no longer a piece of cake. This has led the companies of today to look for substitute methods to make this task easier. Payroll outsourcing is such a measure that has transformed the management and provision of compensation to workers. It has made the procedure much more resourceful as compared to conventional methods and a large number of companies are now choosing for it because of its abundant advantages.

Benefits Management

Most employers have a hard time with the legal and administrative burdens connected with the management of worker benefit functions. Employee communications, insurance carrier bill reconciliation, evidence of insurability (EOI) management, complete paper enrollment forms, managing filing systems, change-in-status processing, and answering worker questions is very time consuming and decreases the efficiency of most human resources departments. Characteristically, employee-to-employer and manager-to-employer communications are not automated. Interactions with insurance carriers, other service providers, and payroll vendors are also characterized by time-consuming paper-based communications. With employers increasing the number of voluntary employee benefit options, employers have an additional burden of reconciling and paying monthly premium bills, handling employee changes and auditing employee payroll deductions.


Key benefits that organizations are getting from outsourcing these and other services include saving money, the capability to assign staff to other tasks, and access to knowledge that otherwise would be unavailable. Technology can become a more manageable area through outsourcing. It is found that less technology upgrades are needed in-house and IT resources can be stretched (Outsourcing and shared services star in cost savings, expertise, and more time for strategic HR, 2007).

Ethical and Corporate Social Responsibility

When companies look at outsourcing their HR practices they have to be sure that the companies that they chose to outsource to share their basic ideas of ethics and corporate social responsibility. Nothing can do damage to a company's reputation that to do business with a company that is not ethical. If a company outsources its HR functions to a company that does not believe in their same ideologies, the costs of doing this is the end will not allow them to realize any cost savings on the outsourcing venture at all.

Outsourcing offshore vs. inside the U.S.

Offshoring can be useful for keeping expenses down, but managing workers in a different time zone who, quite often, speak a different language, has its own cost repercussions. Closer physical proximity allows easier, and considerably cheaper, face-to-face contact, cutting business travel costs. And, according to research nearshoring can cut manufacturing costs by up to ninety per cent. It has been found that although labor costs might be cheaper with a farshore operation, the shorter supply chain reduces constraints and reduces management costs (Blyth,.....

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