HRM the Problems and a Potential Resolution Case Study

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The Problems and a Potential Resolution in a Case of Nepotism

Problems Caused by Mary

Mary Smith, the daughter of a founder of the firm has been hired despite a lack of skills needed to perform the basic duties for her position. This is a case of nepotism and has lead to some problems in the company. The problem may be seen as both practical and in terms of the psychological impact on employee relations.

At the practical level Mary has not been performing tasks which are likely to increase work loads for others, create delays and general increase levels of inefficiency. The delays in delivering initial assignments may delay other tasks and misfiled documents may be lost, so the problem requires the firm to invest more resources in rectifying the mistakes. These types of issue can be associated not only with inefficiency, but increasing costs that will negatively impact on the firms' bottom line (Williams and Laker, 2010). The fraternizing with specific employees may also cause practical problems, with increased wasted workplace time, as well as the direct and indirect impact this will have on other employees.

The presence of Mary, hired due to her fathers has had a negative impact on the existing employees, the employees were irate which will reduce their trust for the employer and may have a long-term impact on the way they perform their jobs (as seen in question 4).

Question 2 - Job Description

To rectify the problem it is necessary to define the job and tasks that are required for the position of administrative assistant, regardless of who holds the post. This may include the following.

The administrative assistant is directly responsible to the senior administrative office and has the general duties associated with providing administrative and clerical services. The employee's responsibilities will include the answering the telephone, opening, sorting and distribution of mail (including internal mail), filing of documents and maintenance of the files, taking notes at meetings, retrieving and preparing reports and any other reasonable administrative tasks assigned by the administrative officer.

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The employees should undertake the tasks in a professional and efficient manner, with tasks performed on time with the employee retaining commercial confidence.

Question 3 - Rectifying the Situation

Rectifying the situation can be difficult, as nepotism can be seen as political and the resolution has to overcome the political pressures which may be exerted by those involved (Williams and Laker, 2010). If it assumed that the firm has not enacted any anti-nepotism rules and the recruitment was not in breach of any policies the issues ahs to be dealt with in the department.

The first stage of the resolution is to examine the situation objectivity and gather the relevant data regarding Mary's performance (Aguinis and Pierce, 2008). This will include assessing the number of late assignments and the degree to which they were late as well as quantifying the extent of the misfiling and the problems that it has caused. This is necessary so that an objective assessment of Mary can take place, where employees feel that they are being treated unfairly as a result of Mary's presence it is possible that misdeeds and problems caused by Mary may be exaggerated. Objective assessment will provide the foundation for the next stage.

The next stage will be to call Mary into a meeting and review her performance with her with a positive approach and the view to rectifying the issues, a positive approach is most likely to resolve the situation (Aguinis and Pierce, 2008). Mary will be told of the purpose of the meeting with an emphasis on the view to resolving the issues. The review will start by looking at the under performance in a logical….....

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