Hypothetical Board Meeting, We Will Term Paper

Total Length: 912 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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This will include the wholesale price in the dealer's channel, the customary markup used in the channel and the analysis of sales promotions that pass savings on to customers. Such price and marketing analysis allows a rational husbandry of resources in moving on in future marketing efforts. Further promotion is another key point that needs addressing on order to market our the marketing game more successfully.

This discussion will include the need for more product sales, which can be done even with a higher price since many of the competitors prices are actually higher. For this reason, other factors such as customer service complaints and defective merchandise that impede sales need to be studied, identified and dealt with.

Key learning experiences

The committee will examine the key learning experiences (good and bad that we have encountered over the time that we have marketed our marketing game. This discussion will included such critical features as the retail price of the item. After all, it is not how much the company sells that matter, but rather how much we sell it for that will spell marketing success or failure and the customary markup in the channel. For this reason, it will be critical to determine the maximum price that the market will bear to sell each unit at. In order for company strategies to work successfully, one of the major factors is the product and to perfect our product we need to keep matching it to the consumer preferences.

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We feel that if we could offer what consumers want, then the perceived value of the product may be higher and consumers who may choose our product over our competitors, allowing the repositioning of the item with our customers.

Future plans in Level 2 of TMG

In this segment of the meeting, we will discuss the above factors, but focusing upon future positioning strategies, market segmentation, marketing mixes and marketing plans for level 2 and other options as well as other marketing options for the marketing game. Previous analyses have dealt with as much as the marketing of level 1 as with level 2. In this phase, we will be looking exclusively at level 2. A variant future plan being discussed is to augment the product with relatively high-margin accessories/extra features and thus will likely provide a higher perceived value to our customer



It is the opinion of the majority of the board members that market positioning and segmentation are major issues. To increase sales, market research will have to be done on these issues so that the Marketing Game Level 2 can expand its market share and compete on a more even footing with our competitors in the marketing game board market......

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