Identifications in the Book of Daniel, Chapter Essay

Total Length: 728 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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In the Book of Daniel, chapter seven, it is written that there are four kingdoms. Specifically, in this portion of The Bible, Daniel has a vision where he sees four beasts which come to him out of the sea. The first is a beast that looks like a lion but it has eagle's wings. Then there is one that resembles a bear but that has a terrible expression wherein there are ribs protruding from its teeth. Thirdly, there is a leopard that has two pairs of wings and four heads to match. The last creature that emerges from the water is less clearly described, but it has large teeth made of iron and ten horns upon its head. There are many schools of thought as to what these four creatures represent, but most hold that they refer to four important eras in history that are brought about through empire-building of a great nation. In Daniel 7: 17, it states, "The four great beasts are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth." Each of these kingdoms and the men who ruled them attempted to rule the world, something which is the sole ability of God Almighty.

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The four creatures are thus aptly representative as they are creations which have been made by God, but have become twisted because of their avariciousness. Based upon the area of the world in which the book was written, these four kingdoms are most likely Babylon which many consider the first great empire, followed by the Media Persian Empire, then the Greek Empire, and then the empire of Rome which was still in power at the time of many Biblical events.

Another question regarding prophecies occurs in the same book, Daniel 7. In Daniel 7: 13-14, Daniel speaks of a vision. He says, "There came one like a son of man, ...And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom…and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed." It is promised that this son of man will create a kingdom which shall endure and which shall never fall. Obviously, this kingdom cannot be one of the great ones of Daniel's beastly vision. Historically, all empires have….....

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