Illegal Weapons and Their Effect Research Proposal

Total Length: 545 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Scope: I am going to try to demonstrate that gun control can have negative effects on particular communities because ordinary people end up being disarmed and because criminals will always have access to illegal weapons, regardless or not gun control laws are present in the areas where they operate. One of the main interests of this proposal is related to the fact that illegal weapon trafficking is very difficult and almost impossible to prevent. As a consequence, local authorities need to focus on reducing the number of criminals who are likely to purchase and use an illegal gun and to attempt to cooperate with international authorities in order to reduce the number of weapons available on the black market.

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Similarly, because they are provided with little to no education in regard to how they should take care of their weapons, individuals who legally own guns are predisposed to being exploited by thieves and criminals.

Method: I am going to consult scholarly sources in my attempt to determine whether or not the presence of a high number of illegal weapons is directly proportional with an increased crime rate. In order to do so, I am going to analyze states where illegal guns are present in large numbers and compare them with states where there are very little illegal weapons. This is likely to provide evidence regarding how illegal guns are especially dangerous.


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