Implicit Association Test for Nurses Values and Research Paper

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Implicit Association Test for Nurses

Values and Belief Systems a. query key cultural informants regarding values, beliefs and practices of community members: I could benefit from gaining knowledge in this subscale by improving my general cognizance of cultural practices among diverse groups, especially those that that I regularly encounter. Specifically, I need to take more of an active role in asking various populations what their beliefs are regarding the credibility they assign to health care practitioners, and what the typical family dynamics are that comprise their familial structures. The same holds true for their views regarding spirituality and diet.

Discern cultural group norms and group differences: I can benefit from this aspect of this subscale by making more of an effort to stay abreast of the cultural differences in the groups I see vs. those of mainstream westernized culture. At this point I am largely unaware of these differences.

Cultural Aspects of Epidemiology a. identify health, nutrition & communicable diseases prevalent in immigrant and refugee populations: This is an extremely important area of this subscale, for the simple fact that based on location and a host of other endemic factors, certain groups of people tend to encounter more diseases than others. By learning what these maladies are for the groups that I encounter, I can more effectively know how to counteract them and increase the wellness of these groups of people.

b. learn the health protective factors influenced by cultural practices: Learning these factors can make me aware of the protective efforts of certain population groups. As such, I will be able to more effectively augment these strategies with those of conventional western practices.

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3. Clinical Decision-Making a. inherent biases that exist in diagnostic protocols This is a very important subset that I need to be aware of, because it alludes to the fact that there is a lack of efficacy -- due-to bias -- in current diagnostic tools. Some of these biases pertain to gender, age, socio-economic status, and sexual orientation. I need to immediately incorporate a knowledge of these biases into my diagnostic work, so that I can more accurately diagnose and treat individuals.

b. The availability of current literature and research that focus on the use and efficacy of pharmacologic agents by racial and ethnic groups: This aspect of this subset closely correlates to the aforementioned one. I certainly need to make a greater effort to understand how race and ethnicity factors into the effectiveness of pharmacologists, especially as it pertains to the groups I frequently encounter.

4. Life Cycle Events a. Of formal and informal community services and supports geared to assist individuals and families navigate the various stages of life and life cycle events which they encounter: There is a vibrant community around which I live and work which offers a lot of services to the individuals that I see and treat. It would improve my practice if I could incorporate these services and avenues for the population groups I administer health treatment too, because doing so would augment my services and increase the overall health of the people I treat.

b. Of how to discern variables (i.e. age, gender, socio-economic status, and other cultural factors) that impact stages of life and life cycle events: There are several variables….....

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