The Importance of a Traditional Christian Marriage Essay

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Christian marriage is one of the most important Biblical principles. Since God created the first man and woman, He intended us to create strong relationships with our nuptial partners, procreate, and participate in community life in this way. Marriage is the foundation of not only strong families, but also of strong individuals and strong societies. Therefore, Christians should continue to advocate strongly for the institution of marriage in spite of secular norms and trends that lead away from the marriage tradition.

The current trends that include a high rate of divorce, or domestic partnerships that do not result in marriage, do not correspond to Christian lifestyles. Moreover, these trends are relatively new and certainly do not reflect the millennia of tradition established by Christianity. The divorce rate has only been high within the past century, whereas marriage is an age-old institution. Domestic partnerships that result in children but not in the exchange of wedding vows is also a trend so new, that it remains unacceptable in many traditional Christian communities around the world. Christians need to return to our roots and remember that trends are less important than the eternal truths of God outlined in the Bible.

Christianity is also fundamentally opposed to violence in relationships. Unfortunately violence in marriages is not a new phenomenon. The Bible does advocate a patriarchal family structure, but the Bible does not in any way advocate violence towards women. Instead, the Bible teaches that marriages are built on mutual respect and on understanding our God-given roles in the family.

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A Christian marriage does not restrict the freedom of women or men. On the contrary, Christian marriages liberate the man and woman to pursue their spiritual and intellectual passions both within and outside of the family.

The Christian model of marriage is based on theology. When God advised us to "be fruitful and multiply," He did so within the framework of the traditional Christian marriage. Adam and Eve, the original Man and Wife, established the role models for all future marriages. When God created man and woman, He specifically did so to distinguish us from the animals. God did not intend for people to procreate with anyone at any time, outside of the bonds of marriage, like animals do. The goal of human life is to serve God, not to create the maximum number of children possible. Marriage is a spiritual institution.

At the same time, Christian couples should be counseled on the joys of parenthood, so that they do not put off having children until it is too late. A marriage without children is unheard of in the Christian tradition because God sanctioned marriage specifically so that procreation could take place within the sacred bonds of the institution. Couples who are uncertain of their future together should also receive counseling within the Christian tradition, to prevent emotional, psychological, and social problems that result when….....

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