Important Event in Aviation History Research Paper

Total Length: 1288 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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On a Tuesday in 2000, an Air France Concorde supersonic jet crashed. The disaster resulted in the death of 113 people. In addition to the casualties from the flight itself, the Concorde crash left a major dent in aviation history. The crash was not like any other airline crash. This crash resulted in the entire dismantling of the Concorde program, which had been one of the most romantic eras in aviation history. Since 1969, the Concorde had been dazzling onlookers and aviation buffs. Its characteristic downturned nose made the Concorde unique, and it was the only commercial airline ever to fly supersonically.

What went wrong on that fateful day in 2000? It took ten full years to find out, and it appears that some mystery surrounding the Concorde crash still remains. In 2010, a French court ruled that Continental airlines were to blame for the Concorde crash. The verdict seemed strange to many who were following the case. The courts made the ruling based on evidence that a Continental mechanic "improperly monitored and maintained aircraft, resulting in a piece of titanium falling from a plane onto a runway at Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport a few minutes before the ill-fated Concorde took off July 25, 2000," (Lauter, 2010).

The ruling raised some questions about culpability in airline crashes. In this case, Concord and Air France, as well as the Charles de Gaulle airport, were completely cleared of any wrongdoing. This sent a strange message about who is responsible for maintaining the runways at airports, as well as who was responsible for the possible underlying structural issues that might have predisposed the Concorde to crash. According to the courts, "the roughly 16-inch piece of metal known as a wear strip punctured a tire on the Air France jet as it sped down the runway for takeoff, and that debris perforated the jet's low-lying fuel tank, causing a leak and a fire," (Lauter, 2010).

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Yet the Concorde had been besieged with a number of mechanical and technical difficulties prior to the 2000 crash. There were previous incidents of tires bursting on the Concorde, in 1979, and a fire caused by fuel leakage occurred later in 1993 (Lauter, 2010).

As of late 2000, the causes of the crash were still a great mystery to investigators. According to the BBC News, it was known that the tires of the plane were implicated somehow. At that time, investigators also knew that "a 40cm (16in) metal strip, probably from another plane, had been found on the runway at Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport," ("Concorde: What Went Wrong? 2000). Interestingly, Continental already admitted that its plane, a DC-10, was the one missing the piece of metal found on the runway. This led investigators to compare the shrapnel with the cut on the Concorde tires to figure out if it fit; and it did.

The question was not just about the tires on the Concorde, which themselves did not cause the supersonic jet to crash. Early in the investigation, it was believed that the tires might have caused the engine fires that ultimately caused the crash. The tire burst mid-flight due to the initial puncture. The burst led to a subsequent fuel tank puncture, leading to the kerosene leak. Indeed, this early evaluation seems to reflect the unfolding of events that led to the crash. Black box flight data recorders were used to help compile evidence in the investigation, which offered a patchwork of events until the 2010 decision was made.

The Concorde took off as scheduled at 4:44 PM, a time that many Chinese people around the world would have scoffed at due to the number 4 being considered highly inauspicious and signifying death. Almost as soon as the Concorde took off, the problems began in quick succession. First, the tire hit the.....

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