Incentive-Based Smoking Cessation Programs Essay

Total Length: 519 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Smoking Cessation Program

Smoking Cessation

Summarize how this project relates to the modules under review?

The impact and progression of a number of serious chronic diseases can be ameliorated by the lifestyle choices of people suffering from the diseases. Public health programs that facilitate positive lifestyle changes -- and actually help to bring about those changes -- are medically and economically important.

Summarize who will be affected by the project. Consumers or Clients?

Individuals who are Medicaid members and are chronic smokers will be invited to participate in the project. Clients who participate directly in program activities derive benefits from directly experiencing the program. In addition, interventions in the PIP projects must target the plan members and their families, the providers, the community, and the health plan. The study involved 50,284 smokers aged 18 to 64 years, including 655 smokers who were pregnant at the time of the study.

Summarize why this particular project was selected and what specific data supports the need for this project?

The project will be evaluated by a third-party research enterprise and the outcomes will be provided to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The project is based on evidence-based research that has been shown to improve the probability that people who engage in smoking cessation programs and/or receive prescription medicine to help them overcome their addiction to nicotine have better outcomes than people who do not participate in such programs.

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4. Summarize how this project relates to the modules under review?

[This is a duplicate question -- see question item #1 above.)

5. Summarize how the data was collected and provide the baseline data of the performance level at the beginning of the project. Provide measureable data such as sample size, numerator, denominator etc. As applicable to the project. (use the measurement document overtime)?

Data collected from program participants includes saliva nicotine cotinine tests at two points: at three months and at six months after the conclusion of the study. Additional data was collected during focus groups and through the use of surveys sent to project participants. This mixed methods data collection and data analysis system produced both quantitative and qualitative data.

6. Provide sufficient information to substantiate what data will be collected and what methodologies will be used to provide for comparisons over time.

Members are selected for incentive plans through….....

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