Independent Readings Between 1865-1910: Expanding Essay

Total Length: 723 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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And W.E.B. Booker T. believes that education should be limited to the practical realm, as jobs are available cooking and farming. W.E.B., however, argues that a person should be able to study whatever he wants. Another element of the back-and-forth argument is that Booker T. says that the fight for civil rights (and the right to vote) is not as valuable as working hard to get money and buy property. W.E.B. comes back by saying that property is useless if there are not educated black people who can protect the land that others earn. He also alludes to lynching, by saying that money does not protect a person against the "rope" or "fire."

In the poem, there is a pattern of end-rhyme, where the last words of couplets rhyme (i.e. cheek/Greek, look/cook).

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In addition, there is a refrain of a pair of lines which occurs at the beginning of the poem and ends it (for emphasis) of "It seems to me,' said Booker T." And "I don't agree,' Said W.E.B."

Reflection of the Time Period

Susan B. Anthony's speech captures the intensity of the struggle for suffrage by comparing the plight of women to that of African-Americans, another civil rights issue at that time. It is clear that she is among a disadvantaged class of people, but it reflects the time period in that there is a glimmer of hope and uprising among several groups of oppressed people in America.


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