India Is the Second Most Term Paper

Total Length: 1562 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The United States supported Pakistan by sending a naval force to the Bay of Bengal. This resulted in a straining of relations between the two countries. India was expected to be a responsible nonaligned nation by denouncing the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. It chose to play the role of a silent spectator and did not take any action.

India invited the wrath of the United States as they refused to condemn the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. India did make up for its past mistakes eventually by improving relations with the United States, China, Countries in the South Asian Bloc and other developed nations while maintaining ties with the Soviet Union. There was a big change in India's policy when the 1990s saw the disintegration of the Soviet Union which resulted in the death of the bipolar political system in the world.
This forced India, which was already suffering from economic problems to reassess its foreign policy to face its domestic and international problems.


India's foreign policy had its shares of ups and downs. Its policy led it to suffer a military debacle against China and forced it to reevaluate itself. Their policy prevented it from globalizing early and made their economy suffer from poor growth. India has gone a long way past its close ties with the former Soviet Union......

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