Industrial Relations, Government-Business Relations, and Term Paper

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(Post-socialist trade unions: China and Russia)

China's practice and history of managerial practices

All the attributes pertaining to the human resources management inclusive of the personnel recruitment, training, labor relations and also the reimbursements and advantages not only vary from the United States but also differ among the regions of China. (Performance-Enhancing Strategies for China: Lessons from Japanese and American Companies) the pressure of the Chinese cultural values on managerial and leadership practices is considerably important so as to generate a Chinese managerial approach more specific and quite differentiated from that of the West. (Contemporary Chinese Leadership: Lessons from the Classics) the conventional Chinese theories of managerial regulation were associated with the way the superiors and subordinates are related and the way to regulate, lead and persuade people. The Chinese tradition conventionally, applied duties and ceremonial etiquette to enhance the social integration. They also devised well-articulated administrative set up with Departments, hierarchical linkages among officials, standardized operating systems, and the performance of officials. (Ancient Chinese Theories of control)

The Chinese have conventionally established a standard code of conduct known as 'li' so as to eliminate the operational contradictions and disharmony in the functioning of the social relationships. Moreover, such rules of etiquette have been devised during the period of Confucius, and considered significant instruments in the daily transactions with the Chinese.

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Currently, the Communist Party representatives still affect the execution and maintenance of such personnel strategies and experiences. However, some observers have noted that the Party is being less and less involved in such issues and in some areas has even eliminated direct regulation over the work unit. (HR in China)

Relationship between the government and business-both local and multinational companies strong link between government and business is an essential factor for success in China. The Chinese Communist Party - CCP has tailored to the progressive non-state sector and local private entrepreneurs have eliminated the politically responsive issues in order to attain success. Most of the local entrepreneurs have been nominates into the Party and those who were already inside the Party as members when they entered into the private sector. The private entrepreneurs have regularly been inducted into the CCP. They are resorting to this with a view to have increased access to loans from public sector banks and to get other privileged treatment. As a result of this many private sector firms by tradition wore red hats to progress in the sphere.....

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