Information Technology Management Case Study Why Is Case Study

Total Length: 575 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Information Technology Management Case Study

Why is it important to have several status review and decision points throughout the project's life cycle?

It is important to have several review and decision points throughout the project's life cycle because that is the only effective way of identifying potential delays and other obstacles at the earliest possible point. That enables the team to mitigate the potential damage or delay to the project as much as possible under the factual circumstances, whatever they may be. It also allows the team leader or client liaison to communicate with the client and explain the reasons for doing anything that requires a departure from the original project plan, anticipated expenses, and timeline.

As the case study illustrates, the consequences of not pre-establishing several status review and decision points throughout the project's life cycle did the exact opposite. Instead of identifying potential problems and reasons for delay as early as possible, the consultants used previously by Husky Air apparently waited until the scheduled date of delivery to inform the client of problems and delays.

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This maximized client disappointment instead of minimizing it and it also (probably) greatly increased the cost of completion and eliminated some of the other possible alternative decisions that would have been available after timely communication of any possible delay.

2. Is there any advantage to having regularly scheduled (e.g., weekly) status meetings?

Ideally, working groups and business units should have both regularly scheduled status meetings as well as ad-hoc meetings dictated by circumstance. Without regularly scheduled meetings, there is a much greater risk that two working groups or business units could be operating under mutually incompatible assumptions or work product. It allows for the possibility of catastrophic failures, such as….....

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