Information Technology the Use of Information Technology Essay

Total Length: 955 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Information Technology

The use of information technology has become a necessity in the developed corporate world that has been faced with a variety of developments that have been identified to make work easier for management in organizations. For the sake of better understanding of available information, managements require application of technologies such as software that can facilitate the processes that are involved in management. This paper seeks to discuss a development plan for the introduction of a new software technology in the management process of an organization. The paper will look into the business need for the technology, the initiative as well as other technologies that can be used to improve the effectiveness of the initiative.

Business need

Every organization that is considered to be progressive with an advantage of a going concern is characterized with a level of growth in its operations and capacity. Most business enterprises are realized to start from a lowly recognized capacity and develop into capturing its market as consumers come to terms with the new enterprise as well as its goods and services. With the need to grow or even the consequence of growth of an organization, a deeper understanding of concepts of trend become necessities to management of the subject organizations in order to aid management processes. There is also at the same time the need for managers of an enterprise to understand changes in their organization so as to be able to develop strategies for actions due to the observed changes.

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Knowledge of an organization's past performance that is developed through analysis of its past data records also gives management the advantage into an understanding of future prospects of the organization. Current data together with historic data subject to proper analysis also helps managements to identify progress that their organization makes under their policies. After decisions have been made by managements into policies and implementations effected, there is normally the need to check on the effectiveness of such policies. Review and analysis of the impacts of such decisions in a mathematical or statistical approach then helps the managements to gauge the effect of decisions for subsequent measures into management. Effectiveness of the business over its competitors is also information that an organization needs in order to understand its capacity to further exploit its market environment. Analysis into the establishment that an organization is not a market controller for example instigates managements into policies and measures that are aimed at improving the performance of the business in its environment in order have a better coverage. Factors such as trends developed with respects to the number of customers that an organization has which has a direct translation to its level of sales hence sales strategies is also an important aspect that call for the dependence of managements on analysis of their organizations' data so as to understand the trends for decision….....

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