Innovation Describe a Process That Research Paper

Total Length: 625 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Over time the disruptive innovator can control the majority of a given market. Clayton Christensen shows this through a series of extensively researched examples throughout the book. In reality the disruptive innovator will be most successful attacking the low-end of any market where the switching costs of technologies are lowest and the costs of change as perceived by customers is the lowest. At its most systemic level, this is why The Innovator's Dilemma is mis-titled. There is no dilemma, the disruptive innovator has no choice by to grow from the low-end of the market. Second, the real challenge is for the incumbent firms in a given market., The real dilemma is to seek out a strategy of cannibalizing one's own market or not. For the truly exceptional companies in the book who do this, they solve the paradox of innovation.

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The book shows that time and again, despite best efforts on the part of incumbent firms, they fail to get market share in emerging markets where significant cannibalization of their own sales is concerned (Gebhart, 1998). One of the most enlightening aspects of this part of the book is that the author shows the traditional means of gaining market share in mature markets is destined to fail. This is one of the most valuable lessons from a pragmatic standpoint in the entire study of disruptive innovation. Due to these factors The Innovator's Dilemma is mis-titled......

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