Instructional Design As It Pertains Term Paper

Total Length: 1041 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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One recent debate around the subject of instructional design is based in learning theories. Experts and laymen alike wonder if there is a specific learning theory that is more suited to using instructional design. Research indicates there is not as long as the instructional design is well planned and facilitated smoothly (Melo, 2004).


In my own teaching career I plan to utilize instructional design on regular basis. I will begin each year with a careful evaluation of the student need. This will be done by examination of test scores, conversations in the classroom and concerns of the parents through a questionnaire process.

Once I have established the needs of the students I will apply them to the learning objectives that have been set out by the state, the county and the local school system. I will also align them with the various projects and unit studies that I have planned for that calendar school year.

The implementation will be handled by using consistent and frequent reflections to be sure I am staying on course.

At the end of each year I will reflect on the objectives, the student needs, the instruction and units that I used and the outcome.

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Each year I hope to improve my instructional design for the following year.

The projects, testing, teaching methods and plans may change from year to year but will always include the same basic path.

The first step will be establishing the "must do's" of education. This means understanding exactly what the state objectives are for the grade level that I am teaching. The second step is going to be to design units and projects that will meet those objectives while at the same time instilling a life long love of learning with the inclusion of different abilities and learning styles.

The final step will be to analyze the design for success and make the needed changes for improvement.


Instructional design provides a blueprint for success if it is carefully planned and implemented. In the early years of my teaching career I plan to rely heavily on instructional design to help me stay on track and deliver exceptional and smooth education to my students......

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