International Terrorism It Is Difficult Term Paper

Total Length: 465 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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S. Constitutional law.


The problem with evaluating the motives of the detainees at Gitmo is that the justice process at the prison has become so questionable that automatically any allegations about the status of the prisoners as radical extremists determined to wage jihad against western society seems equally doubtful. There is no doubt that some may be disaffected and confused men and some may indeed be hardened terrorists. However, when the justice process itself is under scrutiny, any findings become suspect. "Many of the FBI accounts came from conscience-stricken agents troubled by what they had witnessed.

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One agent reported seeing a detainee sitting on the floor of an interrogation cell with an Israeli flag draped around him while he was bombarded by loud music and a strobe light -- almost exactly what Al Qosi had alleged. Another reported seeing detainees chained hand and foot in fetal positions, in barren cells with no chair, food or water (Isikoff, 2007). In the face evidence that illegal interrogation tactics were used, the likelihood that some innocent man may be accused seems high.


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