Internet and Politics Essay

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Internet and Politics

What are the ways in which government sometimes tries to regulate or censor internet content? What are the problems with these efforts at regulation?

In recent times, cyberspace regulation has surfaced as a hot topic. The parameters and laws of cyberspace are principally defined by state-controlled Internet filtering. The governments and states exercise control over the Internet content at various levels. This power of governments over the Internet has dispelled the outlook of Internet as democratic architecture, out of the governmental influences. There is no single state in the world right now that permits its citizens an absolutely unhampered accessibility to information (Tariq).

The Internet censorship by the governments can be described as "the control or suppression of the publishing or accessing of information on the Internet" (Alsayegh, Lee & Thompson). The censorship of internet content by the governments has taken several forms and ranges. Firstly, some governments block any political content that opposes it or its policies. Content related to human rights, freedom of expression, rights of minority or religion is also included in matter available on Internet that governments tend to censor.
Secondly, any social-centered content that the general population might see as unpleasant including pornography, gambling, prohibited drugs is also censored by a large number of governments. Thirdly, content associated with armed conflicts, border disputes, radical groups and nationalist movements is also scrutinized keenly and is censored by the state (Rininsland, 2012). However, the censorship of Internet content depends entirely on the country's ethics, principles, morality, beliefs and values. This is the reason why there exists a different degree of censorship in every country.

As the world has advanced in technology, the access to information by a common man has become simpler and easier. The Internet, in particular, has emerged as a tool that has brought added information to more people around the globe. Nevertheless, it seems reasonable that most of the governments have regulated the censorship of content it provides. The easy accessibility to the content related to pornography and bomb….....

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