Internet and Politics What Challenges Essay

Total Length: 631 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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As a result, the Internet is a major threat to the Syrian government. This is directly challenging the legitimacy and authority of the regime. (Gold, 2011) ("Syrian Diplomats defects," 2012) ("Can Social Networking Overthrow a Government," 2011)

During the Libyan Revolution, the Internet helped to play a central role in leading to the downfall of Muammar Gaddafi. This took place, through different opposition groups using Twitter to communicate with each other. Despite the government cutting off all communication, the Internet allowed these individuals to coordinate different activities and operations. At the same time, Twitter was utilized as a way to effectively recruit new soldiers and encourage high level military defections. This gave the opposition the ability to spread their message and identify weaknesses in the regimes vulnerabilities. Once this occurs, is the point that this medium is helping to empower these groups (which led to the eventual downfall of the government).
This is illustrating how the Interne unified the opposition and created an effective strategy for toppling the regime. ("Can Social Networking Overthrow a Government," 2011)

The events in Syria and Libya are showing how the Internet is challenging the political authority inside non-democratic countries. This is allowing the opposition to communicate and coordinate with each other. At the same time, it is helping to highlight the atrocities that are committed by government forces during brutal crackdowns. These images are shown around the world via the Internet. When this happens, opposition groups will receive greater amounts of support from abroad. Over the course of time, this helps these groups to sustain their antigovernment campaigns. ("Can Social Networking Overthrow a Government," 2011).....

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