Internet Safety and Youth Developing Term Paper

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If the parent will not sign a permission slip stating that they and the child have reviewed the rules, the school should not allow that student internet access. Other precautions include not allowing children to register at any website from school computers.

Since one tool predators can use to break down a child's sense of caution is knowledge of the child's real name, parents should pay careful attention to their child's school website. It should not include any personal information that could identify any students (Aftab, 2004). The content of pictures should be carefully monitored. For example, does the picture of the soccer game include student names? Predators can use such information to start tracking down potential victims.

Parents should also make sure the school uses content filters (federal technology fund rules require some filtering). But in addition to using technological solutions, schools must actively teach their students to use the Internet with appropriate caution, developing the "filter between their ears." (Aftab, 2004) In other words, while schools must protect their students in every way possible from having predators contact them there, the students must also understand the techniques such people use to draw them in, so they will know the warning signs.

In addition, the schools should take some administrative steps. The school should have a specific method for keeping online logs, as they might be evidence of something at some future time. Commercial software is available for this purpose. They should be familiar with Internet Crimes Against Children teams and follow their advice for keeping Internet access safe for their students.

Because of the kinds of protection available to schools, children and youth may actually be safer online there than at home. However, denying our youth computer access at home might be like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

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Computer literacy will be crucial for tomorrow's adults. However, parents need to realize that statistically their children are more vulnerable online at home because schools can impose rules and restrictions not really feasible for most families (Aftab, 2004). Laws such as COPPA, or the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, helps protect youth in theory (Aftab, 2004). However, predators are unlikely to ignore its requirements that sites not collect information without parental permission. With i-CARE's discovery that children and teens may be reluctant to tell their parents about serious online problems, parents must work hard to keep those lines of communication open.

Most of all, both teachers and parents need to remember that they are trying to protect children and teens - young people who by their very nature want to explore the world. Typically they have not been badly hurt by others and often have too trusting a nature. They are also inventive and creative. Not fully aware of the dangers the Internet can present for them, they may apply their best thinking to trying to get around the protections adults put in place for them (Aftab, 2004). Parents and educators, working together with law enforcement and others who work to keep the Internet safe for children, and well informed about the risks as well as the benefits the Internet offers to younger people, can create a computer environment that allows children and youth to develop those all-important computer skills without being victimized by internet predators who seek to harm them.


Aftab, Parry. 2004. "Online Safety at School." PC Magazine 23:13, August 3.

McKinley, Shay K. 2002. "Campaign Promotes Safe, Responsible….....

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