Internet Site, Mission, Description Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Essay

Total Length: 622 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Internet site, Mission, Description Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organizations. Also incorporating mimimum: -existing sales marketing systems. -HR systems.operations logistics Riordan Manufacturing.

Riordan Manufacturing

Riordan Manufacturing is an important player in the plastics material industry. As subsidiary of the parent company Riordan Manufacturing Industries, Riordan Manufacturing employs an estimated 550 individuals. Riordan Manufacturing generates an estimated $46 million in annual revenues, and the larger group, Riordan Manufacturing Industries generates an estimated $1 billion in annual revenues, and is one of the Fortune 1000 enterprises.

Riordan Manufacturing aims to attain and maintain a strong leadership position within the industry and would do so through the satisfaction of the customers' needs and wants. Emphasis in this endeavor would be placed on innovation and technologic development. This commitment is assumed by the company through their mission, as follows:

"The mission of Riordan Manufacturing is to ensure that it remains an industry leader in the plastic manufacturing business and provides solutions to the existing customer base while expanding.

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The company will achieve this by leveraging technology and innovation to maintain and achieve profitability" (Tavangaran).

Despite the commitment declared for technologic improvement and innovation, Riordan Manufacturing does not integrate significant technologic development within their operations. Specifically, the company processes are conducted manually. Reporting is for instance completed on paper, from the time raw materials enter the firm up until finished products are shipped. Also, the processes revealed at each stage of production are completed manually, feature which drastically reduces operational efficiency. In this order of ideas then, it becomes imperative for Riordan Manufacturing to automate its processes and its operations (Ball, Beckwith, Buckley and Haniszewski).

At a deeper level of operations, these are divided based on nature and locations. In this order of ideas:

The research and development operations are completed at the company's headquarter in San Jose

The production of the custom plastic parts in….....

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"Internet Site Mission Description Riordan Manufacturing Virtual", 18 July 2011, Accessed.18 June. 2024,