Intervention Marriage Is a Beautiful Research Proposal

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According to Gottman, these theories failed married couples because "it is not based on solid empirical knowledge of what is actually predictive of marital dissolution," (Gottman 1999: 6). Bringing in his aspects of systematic observation as the base for further scientific analysis of marital problems, Gottman understood the need to track and analyze behavior patterns and sequences which actually lead to the end of the relationship, "The aim is to define beforehand various forms of behavior -- behavioral codes -- and then ask observers to record whenever behavior corresponding to the predefined codes occur," (Bakeman & Gottman 1997: 3). Through frequency of behaviors, a scientific approach to marriage theory can be born within a more open and observational environment.

One such observational perspective is that of music integration into marriage therapy. Music therapy has been used in a wide variety of genres and is represented as "the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional," American Music Therapy Association 1999). One study recently integrating music into such therapy was conducted under the heavy stress of couples dealing with one partner being hospitalized, (Hinman 2005).

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Analyzing the effect musical therapy had in dealing with such stress showed that "music therapy became a way to facilitate communication and understanding," (Hinman 2005: 38). According to another prominent advocate of music therapy within a more normal context of a marital environment was Don Campbell. Campbell proposed that music can convey a number of messages and feelings that simple talking cannot. Such messages can include negatively associated sounds and feelings, perception changes, and romantic feelings towards the other partner, (Campbell 1997). Along with conveying messages, music can have a physical impact on individuals when used in therapy.

Music can help slow down brain functions and help calm stress. It can also help boost involvement and relaxation within counseling sessions (Campbell 1997).

The future of marriage counseling as integrating musical therapy practices proves to be bright. It presents a scientifically-based practice which is also heavy in alternative qualitative methodologies. Music has long soothed the soul of individuals; why not apply the same practice to similar stress exhibited by two individuals?.....

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