Interview Question for a Cabin Term Paper

Total Length: 640 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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They should make a genuine attempt to explore a wide variety of subjects and research available resources (especially online) to identify possible interests and suitable career paths that are achievable and likely to be fulfilling.

What is your favorite holiday? Why?

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving for several reasons. First, it is a nondenominational holiday that can be celebrated and shared by all Americans, irrespective of religious orientation or heritage of origin. Second, Thanksgiving involves the healthiest foods that we can all enjoy without worrying as much about our diets as we have to during other major holidays that emphasize less healthy foods and over a much longer run-up period than one weekend.

If you could live in some other historical period, which would you choose, and why?

I suppose, if I had to choose another era, it would be the immediate post-World War II era in the United States because of the optimism and the pace of improvement in the lives of ordinary people.
In retrospect, that might have been one of the most positive times because of the many ways that the technologies originally developed for war, including, of course, in the aviation field, began to trickle down into civilian life.

Frankly, fantasizing about living in another time period is something that I stopped doing after I realized how fortunate I am to live in modern times. Life in prior eras was much more difficult and dangerous. Today, we take many things for granted, especially in this part of the world, but modern medicine (just for one example) is less than a century old. I would not want to imagine having to be hospitalized or even just going to the dentist without the benefits of antibiotics, antiseptic protocols, and modern anesthesia......

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