James Tate Poetry Poem

Total Length: 367 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

Life Well Livid

The mouth kept moving but the words that came out heard themselves and were embarrassed by the nature of things while me and the other primates watched the clock anxiously anticipating the bell.

And there off! The boy with bad skin has the lead with the little girl with the yellow curls right behind.

Here comes the Savior on the outside!

But hedonist cuts him off and they all squeeze out the door in a massive birth of new found freedom only to find its time to get a job working for a mouth that keeps spewing words that mean nothing until payday.

Payday, the sincerest of days when everything appears worthwhile until your card has been rejected day, and one must ask the toad for more green because unlike love it's what really makes the world go round until your stomach starts to turn and you regurgitate the macaroni and cheese she gave you for breakfast in your pipe dreams.

Then your pipe dreams are shattered by the high def reality that virtually is real and the….....

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"James Tate Poetry", 27 November 2012, Accessed.15 June. 2024,