Jazz Music Essay

Total Length: 324 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

Jazz music objectifies America as it provides a unique way for understanding the American culture (Waja100, 2013). The real power and innovation of this genre of music is it’s demonstration of how a group of people can come together and create improvised art. The context of the creation of jazz music is millions of negotiations between different people in the United States. The dynamics of jazz music range from its roots in the blues as a rich tradition to its own new rules that make it brand new every time. Throughout history, jazz music incorporates different instruments like aerophones, chordophone, idiophones, and membranophones. Examples of these instruments used in jazz music include saxophones, guitar, xylophones, and drums respectively. 

In its initial years, jazz music was filled with complex rhythms as slaves were allowed to sing and dance every Sunday in Congo Square. As slaves from West Indies and the Caribbean settled in the United States, they created different kinds of music with different melody and harmony that shaped the development of jazz music.
The different kinds of music created by these groups of people provided something unique to the Whites, especially those in New Orleans. Through this, New Orleans was characterized by a unique social and musical cauldron that included spiritual songs, the blues, and European classical music. These different genres of music incorporated different pitch, timbre and scale as they were about anything such as a beautiful woman, God, the devil or a mean boss. A different pitch, scale and timbre was used to reflect the feelings, opinions and story of the performer. Social experiences played a major role in the development of jazz music as they influenced semiotics. In this regard, signs and connotations of sound were influenced by social construction. Creole musicians created unique homophony as they combined their classical virtuosity with the blues, which transformed music.


Waja100. (2013). Jazz Gumbo Part 1 [video file]. Retrieved from https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15k6n


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